India's Daughter: My View

The documentary has been banned from everywhere now but still, I managed to watch it somehow. Are they going to arrest me for that? Let's hope not! I am fed up by this new ban culture of Indian government. It feels like the rights mentioned in our constitution does not matter anymore. 

Why the ban? Is it because someone showed the true face of the hypocritical Indian society? Does banning the video makes any difference? Will it change the mentality of people? The government is saying that it could have broken an outrage among the masses and it is therefore they had banned the video. Well it took them moments to ban a video that was actually peaking the truth and bringing out the true faces of the culprits as well as our patriarchal society. But when it comes to providing justice to India's Daughter, they have been delaying it since 2012. So many years even when everything was clear from the day 1.

When a lawyers speaks of killing his own daughter if he comes to know about her having a relationship with a guy or engaging in pre-marital sex, you can sense the depth of the hole the mentalities of some males have sucked into.  Such people are the defenders of law. Such people are covering up[ the crimes of thousands and lakhs of criminals. 

If you have not watched the documentary, try to find it on Internet and you will find it. Tell me if that does not make you cry. I'm sure there are so many men who have a different mentality and I know they stand together with me for the cause. All you guys who have been sharing and supporting the movement and demanding justice for India's Daughter, you are the real men and I'm proud of you all.