I'm a Girl with Wings

India is a developing nation. It's great to look back and realize how far we have traveled since the old ages in terms of technology and modernization. But at the same time, we are still so orthodox to capture the female gender under tags. It starts right from the beginning of your life when you are told even by your parents that you must learn all the household because you’re a girl.

Well, I’m not a girl who used to sit back home and take care of the house. I’m a girl with dreams. I’m a girl who’s studying hard so I can create a good presence in my career field in future. You can’t tag me with anything. I’m bold and I’m beautiful and I don’t mean just physically. I’m smart enough to carry out the tasks that men can do. But can the men boast of the same thing? I’m not talking about all the men here. My sister has been married to the nicest guy I have ever seen who treats her equal to him. They both are leading a blissful life. There are no compromises. When I see him, I get relieved because then I realize that there are men who support women in bringing out their best.

I am not a slave but a free girl. I have been earning my pocket money myself since I was in the eleventh standard. I still give dance classes to the kids up to 12 years of age. That is how I have stood upon my feet. With that, I’m pursuing my studies and I hope to find a suitable well earning and respectable job in future based on that.

It was never about ‘Or’ for me. I have always used ‘And’ because I’m a girl with multitude of talent and I’m proud of it. No, I don’t want to demean the opposite gender with this post. I just want to spread awareness that if given chance, we women can achieve heights that we deserve. So, I ask all the guys to please be supportive and help women spread their wings in sky deprived of chains.

This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus.