Seconds after the bare butt photo of Kim Kardashian was posted by papermag, the internet went crazy. Wasn’t this the entire purpose behind pulling a stunt like this? Even the tag ‘Breaking the Internet’ suggests the same. And if there was any void left, it was filled with her bare front picture that came later.

Ever since the dare bare stunt, you can find several memes over the social media sites and the different parodies created by people against it. While many were offended by the nude pictures, some believe it is her body and it’s her choice. Also, they claim that there is nothing wrong in showcasing the female sensuality and rather than being ashamed, we should marvel over it.

I really don’t know what to make out of it. She wanted popularity and that is what she has been getting. No matter if you hated her for it or you loved her for it, all of you have been filling the internet with her news and ultimately promoting her.

So, well done Kim Kardashian. You achieved what you wanted. All of us are foolish enough to promote such an idiotic publicity stunt.

PS: That sure is an amazing booty.